RoboCount™ LAB/20

Robotic Gamma-Spectrometry Sample Changer


The RoboCount™ LAB/20 robotic gamma-spectrometry sample changer is based on an industrial Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA), seamlessly combined with  an HPGe gamma spectrometer, a safety enclosure,  and auxiliary components. The novel use of a modern SCARA robot offers distinct functional and ergonomic advantages compared to XYZ-manipulators or 6-axis industrial robots currently used in this application.

The robot is a Stäubli model TS2-40 with a CS9 control unit and SP2 teach pendant. The maximum payload is 8.4 kg, maximum horizontal reach 460 mm, and vertical motion range 400 mm. Even if operated at maximum load, the wear and maintenance are expected to be minimal since the robot performs a few relatively leisurely motions during a typical batch measurement cycle compared to hundreds of high-speed cycles per day in manufacturing operations it was designed for.

Sample manipulation is handled by a Schunk MPZ 45 AS pneumatic gripper with three customized concentric aluminum fingers. In case of pneumatic system failure, the gripper securely holds the sample.

The gamma spectrometer consists of a Mirion Technologies, Inc., liquid-nitrogen cooled, vertical-dipstick HPGe detector connected to a Lynx® multi-channel analyzer. The liquid-nitrogen Dewar is placed on a balance with a remote display to the left of the robot. The detector is protected by a Cu/Sn-lined 10 cm thick modular lead shield by TechMart s.r.o. The lead shield swing cover is opened and closed by a pneumatic cylinder.

For sample identification, a 1D bar code reader or a 1D/2D image-based code reader are available as options.

The control PC runs a Mirion Technologies (Canberra), Inc., Apex-Gamma™ user application which communicates with the Lynx® multi-channel analyzer and performs data acquisition and analysis. The Lynx® multi-channel analyzer is connected to the Stäubli CS9 control unit. The Stäubli SP2 teach pendant provides a modern touch-screen status, control, and diagnostic interface.

Personnel safety is of utmost importance in work settings involving automated machinery such as an industrial robot. In addition to emergency stop buttons on both the control unit and the teach pendant, the system working area is protected by a Lexan® safety cage with emergency stop interlocks. A light curtain and/or a safety laser scanner can be used as an option.

The impressive capabilities of RoboCount™ LAB/20 can be further extended in a number of ways.

  • Use of an electrically cooled HPGe detector.
  • Use of a U-style HPGe detector cryostat for ULB applications.
  • Sample capacity increase up to 40 or 60.
  • Different sample geometries within the same batch can be implemented via a robotic tool changer.




RoboCount™ LAB/20 Data Sheet
RoboCount™ LAB_20, Data Sheet.pdf (301.63KB)
RoboCount™ LAB/20 Data Sheet
RoboCount™ LAB_20, Data Sheet.pdf (301.63KB)
